September 16, 2011

new glasses! xoxo Betsey Johnson

Hi all! How's it going? I just wanted to share some pictures with you!
I have not so great eyesight, but the upside is that I get to wear cute glasses! I got new ones recently...I ordered them without seeing the color in person first and, wonder of wonders, they happen to match my hair perfectly!

They are Betsey Johnson frames that are "rose" colored on the outside and light pink on the inside. The arms have little hearts on them, and the top of the frames have small round metal studs. SO PERFECT, SO NIKKI DEE. I am obsessed.
Sorry for all the goofy quality Photo Booth pictures lately....I am lazy.

In other news, it suddenly got cold here in New York....whattt it's still summer in my book. Do you love fall? It definitely provides us with a lot more fashion choices! Have a great weekend!


September 13, 2011

Nikki Dee's DUH Style Tip of the Day

Wearing a long dress or skirt? Is it too long? Is it windy or rainy out? Knot the hem! Knot the hem! SO EASY WHY DIDN'T WE DO THIS PREVIOUSLY?!
Also, it looks pretty cool!

Take this lovely striped maxi that I wore to class today. I'm short, so the dress goes all the way down to the ground. It looks quite pretty but is horribly inconvenient for getting to class through the (dirty) streets of Manhattan. However, once you knot the hem, it is much more manageable and gives off a different look as well.
You don't have to knot it- you can pin it, hold it up with some crazy clip, tie it with bunches of yarn....

 Here are some pictures that I took on Photobooth reallll quick to show you guys.

really awkward picture

knotted hem!

the whole dress

me trying to make photobooth work properly to get my whole outfit on the screen....hahhaha

Yeah! Has anyone tried this?
This has beeen....Nikki Dee's DUH style tip of the day!  :p


September 1, 2011

How to Get Back into Exercising After Some Time Off ;]

Hello hello! Okay you guys, this is rather embarrassing, but this post has been sitting half-finished in my drafts since about April. The shame, the shame! So what I'm going to do is post it anyway, with season-appropriate edits in bold brackets. [like this!] So here goes,

 If you're like me, you like to feel healthy and fit (duh) but maybe you've taken some....time off lately when it comes to working out. I'm no personal trainer, but I can relate to being totally out of shape and wanting to get back in the game! (I call this time of year Abercrombie Beach Bod preparation season.) [Okay, it's actually the end of the summer and fall is fast approaching. I don't know how I feel about this yet! However, we shouldn't skive off MOVEMENT just because it will soon be getting cold. So!]

1. Do it with a friend! you can motivate each other
2. Start small....don't try to run ten miles on your first day back in the can end up hurting yourself!

moves called Iggy's Pop and Iggy's Punch.....nothin' but pure brilliance

3. COMMIT! Keep some sort of physical activity in your daily schedule, and keep doing it every day. No excuses! It helps to do it at the same time  every day, llike in the morning.

4. Make it fun! Some people love waking up in the morning and running around the block. Personally I find the repetitive motions of running a bit boring; it's just not for me! So for people like me I'd suggest joining a class like yoga (Yoga To The People is completely awesome and based on donations, which is rad if you're a student), or dance, or cycling.
Did you know that you can work your abs every day? I have a sit-up routine that I used to do when I danced, and I still do it every day!
[Also, living on the fifth floor of a walk-up building is pretty good for daily cardio, let me tell you! haha]
Exercise TV and YouTube have short videos like "Ten Minute Thighs" or "Bellydance Basics" that are amazing, because the time passes by so quickly! I completely swear by them....even with the cheesy names and scary-perky instructors.

Oh my gosh, do you guys remember PUNK ROCK AEROBICS, those commercials that played on The-N in between Degrassi  episodes? Well I think that there is a book, and I heard that in some cities there are Punk Rock Aerobics classes held....can anyone confirm this?

I would go to these classes for sure.

Okay, well, my classes have officially started this week. Therefore I hope to have tons of exciting posts for you soon, but there might be some writing draughts on my side also as I struggle with my self-imposed ridiculous schedule. Have a great week? And also, 
how do you get your exercise?



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