♥ The movie Factory Girl. I love it! It actually came out early 2007, I think... it stars Siena Miller as Edie Sedgwick! Since the movie Grey Gardens is out in movie theaters now, about Jackie O's aunt and cousin Edith Beale and Little Edie Beale, I figured it would be appropriate to re-fall in love with everything Edie!
♥ Dying my hair... more pink! :]
♥ Twitter! I know I write about it all the time, but I seriously love it. True, some people take it a little too far- there is such thing as Too Much Information, even on the internet!- but I think it's one of the best social networkin' devices on the interblag.
♥ Overheard in New York. Probably the funniest website ever, and it's a good procrastination tool! :p
♥ Planning outfits for events- like prom :] I have tons of prom outfits on Polyvore- I'll share them here :]
♥ Anticipation! April is almost over... and from now on the rest of the school year is pretty much jam-packed with events! I'm so excited!
♥ Facing your fears
♥ Late-night phone calls
♥ Panera Bread :]
♥ The Goodburger Movie!!!
♥ Car Dance Parties
♥ Earth Day parties!
Love your mother... Get it - mother earth? :p

What is making you smile this week?
Nikkidee! :]