Here's some link-lovin' for the week. I heart procrastination, uh oh!

♥ You Are Beautiful project. Such a great idea, everyone should be reminded of this daily. :] There's a lot of really cool, inspiring artwork on the site as well. Contribute to the love!
♥ Young blaggers have influence in the fashion world! I mean duhh, ;] but it's a pretty cool article. Clickety-click.
♥ Zo is awesome, creative, and has amazing hair. Also, her blog is super rad. :]
♥ Okay, so I had to research geometry in nature for a 2-D integrated design project, and I found this video. It's pretty amazing and way more
informative than any math classes I've ever taken! I think it was made by a cabinet company, so just ignore the advertising towards the end.

♥ LIFE Gallery: The Many Faces of Barbie. Just look at how she's changed! Barbie may be a doll, but she is totally a fashion icon!
♥ Black Swan Vintage on Etsy.

Okay, so you might be wondering what's up with the daisy theme to this post.
Well my favorite band, Brand New, came out with a new CD last Tuesday titled Daisy.

I've listened to it a few times through already and I really like it. It's pretty dark and heavy and I really enjoy it. I might do a full write-up on it at another time, but I figured I would share my happiness and enthusiasm right now! :]
The band is streaming some of the songs from the album on their myspace, so I encourage you to check it out!
Share some cool links with us this week! Have you heard Daisy? What do you think?
Nikkidee! :]