May 27, 2011

Jeffrey Cambell Litas

Hello hello everyone. My classes are done for the semester and I am sitting at home at my desk !! (this is a big deal because my desk at school was too covered in projects to actually work at it).  I wasn't sure which post I should put up first, but then the answer was obvious: write about what you love. When in doubt, always write about shoes. Obviously.  ;]

So, after months and months of staring at the Jeffrey Campbell Litas I decided that I need a pair. I stare at them in store windows, I stare at them on people in the street, I stare at them online. It's really very sad. The problem is, I can't decide which pair to get. There are so many options! My friends are no help right now, so I decided to ask for the opinion of you, my lovely readers. I trust you won't steer me wrong.
Which shoes ?!?!

What do you think?  :]


PS:  as always..... FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR! I am much more active on there, especially since I got an iPhone :D :D :D :D


  1. GAH CONGRATS ON BEING DONE! Enjoy your summer, et cetera et cetera.

    AND EEK LOVING THE SHOES. They are an aammmmazing shape. I'm a sucker for that black and white printed one. That's probably just because I'm a sucker for prints. And also, they're AWESOME.

    As for your comment, I've deferred from Parsons to take a GAP year to work and travel! Yayy.

  2. Oh my gosh, that's awesome! Have an amazing gap year!
    and thanks so much! I'm having a great summer so far. AH thanks for the input, those are actually the ones that i'm leaning towards! ahhhh such beautiful shoessss :]


C-C-C-Comment! :]


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